Getting Groovy

How vinyl records are made.


Obssessing Over Pop

THIS my friends is what life is all about! Having a passion and enveloping your life around it (do you end up not working for a living but playing)!

Mr Nese has got it all right… Galco’s Soda Pop Stop (although would love to help them out with their site and social media offerings).


Wood Porn#3

Wood Porn#3

The only reason to buy a house just to recreate this scene.


Tramp Chic

Tramp Chic

Don’t usually like pics of me but a fan of this one.

Taken by Mappers.

Happy Valentines Day 2010

Invented to sell cards or a day we should reflect on the love in our lives?

Either way, love is a partnership.

A balancing act.

A shared connection which ebbs and flows between two shores.

Always remaining constant.


Then again, what do I know.

I’ve never got it right. 
