A bank who does co-working / maker-spaces / incubating / mentoring.
Due to online and mobile banking, the use of branches is in decline. So if you run a business which own an array of centrally located urban real estate nationally, what do you do?
Well, Barclays UK (in collaboration with a couple of other folks) have launched Eagle Labs, an experiment in activating their latent spaces and making them available to the startup community as incubators whilst wrapping around supportive services as well.
With nine locations across the UK, it’s a great start to an intriguing project:

Was wonderful to be able to visit Eagle Labs Brighton a few days ago and deliver a session plus spend some time advising some of the fantastic startups in the space:

DK gave a brilliant keynote at the Eagle Lab Flight Programme for me where I am Creative Director. The programme is an accelerator run By Creative England in partnership with Barclays UK and their Eagle Lab Programme.
He delivered and inspiring talk with slides and resources for the companies on the programme at the Eagle Lab in Brighton UK on April 21st 2017. Having known and worked with DK at previous events I have run it was great to have him in person in the room with the businesses and clients. The keynote was on “putting the social back into social media” – and with a strong focus on authenticity and voice and remembering that the ‘audience has an audience’ too. Thanks DK – here’s to the next collaboration.
Marcus Romer
A superb example of an organisation needing to diversify, repurposing their latent resources (instead of simply selling them off) to add value to a community whilst still ensuring alignment with a potential customer base.
Great idea DK. Do you know of any banks in NZ that are adopting this approach for start-up initiatives? I think it would be useful to have this available in towns, not just cities, to encourage movement of businesses and people away from main centres. I’m aware that support for new businesses is already available but the strength of this concept is getting like-minded people together with ready access to resources and information. Would love to catch up if/when you’re next in Auckland.
Hey Anne – don’t know of any in NZ doing anything. Have fired this to my Kiwibank contact though as who knows they might want to replicate – will holler when I’m next up there :-)