#17 May 2020 | Monthly Digital Breadcrumbs

Lumping some tempting online items for you to check out.


The city of Amsterdam is going to embrace the more sustainable ‘doughnut’ economy model post-covid19.

There are always the helpers.

Why putting Jared Kushner in charge as utter madness.



Listen to my mates podcast on how Jacinda Ardern is a communication master from David McQueen.

A website that helps you to see satellites in orbit from your backyard.

This will keep you busy for while.

This website teaches you Morse Code in around 15 minutes.

Love In The Time Of Coronavirus (free ebook download from GapingVoid).

If you have a spare laptop or computer check out Folding@Home, a distributed computing project for performing molecular dynamics simulations of protein dynamics (currently focussed on aiding a COVID19 vaccine).

All monthly digital breadcrumbs posts.
Image credit: A View from Moel Cynwich: Looking Over the Vale of Afon Mawddach and Toward Cader Idris, c. 1850, William Turner, from Cleveland Museum of Art.

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