Reflecting on the journey so far.
Last week, the 20th episode of Creative Welly: courageous conversations with bold humans, went live.
The purpose of this unconventional endeavour is driven by the desire to produce something beautiful and intimate—exploring through conversation, the emerging intersections of interest with two people who have never met before—done by pausing the melee of life and intentionally crafting a space to be human through stories and in time.
“I want to be with those who know secret things or else alone.”
Rainer Maria Rilke
Visually, there’s nothing like it on the planet.
The completed twenty discussions featuring forty intriguing humans equate to 1943minutes / over 32hours, and in terms of the metrics of watches / listens: don’t know, don’t care*. That’s not the reason I started this (see above).
It’s also a wholly commercial free venture and costs time and money in the chunky pre-production investment organising the people, the space, the camera / lighting / mics, hosting of content plus post-production commitment to editing, audio podcast formation, uploading everything, posting online and crafting the subtitle snippets.
But when something so pleasing and unique manifests the effort is justified.
More episodes will follow, although for now we’ll take a break for a couple of months. Feel free to explore the growing back catalogue here plus subscribe in the way most pertinent to you.
This simply wouldn’t have been achieved if it wasn’t for:
- Jono Tucker from Empire Films, who makes it looks the stunning way it looks;
- David Hamilton at Flashdog Studios, who provides an amazing studio space to host the experiences, and also;
- Alex Matthews who hosted us at Xequals for the first 10 episodes and enabled us to start.
I recently organised an exclusive gathering just for those who have participated in the project to celebrate and connect them i further conversation with the growing community: