When we were kids we were freethinkers, spontaneous and open; as we grew older and the logical side of our brains kicked into high gear and our non-linear “œcreative” side became less dominant.
Today, through the use of electronics for everything—smart phones and computers in particular—we reinforce the logical side of our thinking and further relegate creativity to the back seat. We need to reconnect with our right brain, stretch our non-linear nodes, nurture them on a daily basis and, as a result, increase our overall satisfaction with life.
Part one of our session will look into our situation, show how we got here and what we can do on a personal level to mix things up. Part two will open up the dialog for how to foster in an era of non-linear thinking at your company or organization and share some effective brainstorming techniques that can be implemented today.
Creatives gain true understanding by “˜doing”™.
I Like I Wonder events are about gaining creative wisdom from visiting international speakers through not just listening but by applying your new found insights in a hands-on workshop which follows. The workshops focus is on creating content, extending thoughts, heightening interactions, disrupting models, challenging paradigms, all within a inventive space and through facilitated conversations.
Numbers are kept small to ensure a quality experience””this is not a money making exercise but a exploration of creativity with exclusive groups of like-minded folks.
So excited to launch this today and looking forward to working with Empathy / Awayday plus all our speakers.
Feel free to spread around the Wellington networks and hope to see you there.