LIANZA 2017 NZ Tour | From Lightbulbs To Flares

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Social media learning / social media teaching.

Last month I finished up delivering seven social media presentations and masterclasses for Library and Information Association of New Zealand (LIANZA). The mini-NZ-tour took me to New Plymouth, Palmerston North, Christchurch, Dunedin, Wellington, Hamilton and Auckland.

Curation is still a mayor skill-set theme along with the idea of asking what’s best not what’s new (see above) to highlight that technology and social media is a suite of tools to utilise not just a shallow trend focussed on only the latest.

Librarians get the idea of nurturing and enveloping new knowledge. They are curious and open by nature, and was a pleasure to collaborate in building new practises and was thrilling to see the adoption during the hands-on workshop portion of the sessions.

DK delivered an innovative series of social media workshops for us, that got great feedback from our members. He was the ultimate professional and really easy to work with. Comments from attendees included:

“It’s not often I come across someone who can alter the way I use the internet.”
“DK was a brilliant presenter – enthusiastic, entertaining and helpful.”
“I really like his teaching style (watch, listen, then do).”

Here’s to another series later in the year!

Joanna Matthews, Executive Director of LIANZA.

Lisa Salter on Twitter

Big thanks to LIANZA for the opportunity, too the 100 or so librarians who participated plus the venue hosts.

Related posts / pages: Curation As An Emerging Skillset | A 5 Step Guide & book some sessions yourself

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