Had the recent honour of collaborating with Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa—those lovely folks at Social Media Club Wellington invited me to share.
The blurb from the event:
DK will speak about Te Papa’s Warhol Immortal exhibition and its interactive social and digital media campaign to generate excitement around the exhibit, and get people actively participating and interacting with the campaign, which also rewarded and celebrated those active on social media channels.
He will also touch on the ins and outs of freelance social media, and being hyper aware of governance procedures when working with other organisations.
DK is a bit of veteran SMCWgtn-er, speaking at one of our events last year about getting back to the basics of social media, as well as being the awesome person who brought us TEDxTeAro!
Attribution (in order of appearance):
notjake13, lazyhour, 94324017@N00, artexpo, eschipul, world9-1, tomsaint.