#18 June 2020 | Monthly Digital Breadcrumbs

Time to surf the information superhighway for treats and things.


Why an Amazon executive resigned over company’s ‘chickenshit’ firings of employee activists (stop buying from Amazon).

A flood of coronavirus apps are tracking us – now it’s time to keep track of them.

Our lives are now run by ‘Persuasion Engineers‘ – shudder!

How Facebook could use Giphy to collect your data.

Another Apple whistleblower goes public over lack of action – “I am extremely concerned that big tech companies are basically wiretapping entire populations…”



Your illustration dances to the music.

The spoken articles list of Wikipedia.

A curated timeline of COVID pandemic events related to Wellington city here in NZ.

The British Museum has added 1.9 million images free to use for anyone under a Creative Commons 4.0 license.

Free video conferencing background images of empty sets from the BBC Archive.

Play with Mikutap – great for bored kids / kidults alike.

Blush: Create, mix, and customize illustrations made by artists around the world – then use them commercial free.

AutoDraw which converts rough scribbles and doodles into beautiful, symmetrical icons/clipart that you can download for free.

Check out this platform which make acapellas from any song or this one which remove vocals from any song.

thisworddoesnotexist.com creates words which does not exist using AI.

All monthly digital breadcrumbs posts.
Image credit: By en:Charles Burton Barberhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Gelert.jpg, Public Domain, Link.

#16 April 2020 | Monthly Digital Breadcrumbs

A gaggle of curated stuff to aid the lockdown situation.


Forgive yourself if you’re barely functioning right now.

Not a comfortable read but how one person freaked out after getting their file from Clearview AI.

Māori tribe restricts hongi greeting over coronavirus.




If you’re on a Mac use Fluid and turn your favorite web apps into real apps.

Nine Inch Nails releases some free music.

Upload a video or GIF & remove the background with Unscreen.

Some free royalty free premium music for projects (cleared for YouTube) via UnMinus.

The most dangerous writing app.

Undraw is a constantly updated design project with beautiful SVG images that you can use completely free and without attribution.

All monthly digital breadcrumbs posts.
Image credit: Beautiful Dingbats’ Pattern Generator

#15 March 2020 | Monthly Digital Breadcrumbs

A bunch of wild and wonderful things to spend your time on.


Another face-collecting AI company hosting three billion images hacked (this one scrapped their database from Facebook so nothing to worry about really).

How Amazon tracks all that you read.

About a mystery radio signal from deep space appears to be following a 16-day cycle.

Some deep truths here about the lack of ethic consideration in technology advancements.

How 1,000 is now a 100 in terms of what is needed as a fan base to sustain oneself.



Those nice people from The Smithsonian Institute have just released 2.8 million images free to access and use.

150,000 botanical and animal illustrations available for free download from Biodiversity Heritage Library.

This great example of environmental storytelling & journalism from Norway.

A brimming online database of old book illustrations.

All monthly digital breadcrumbs posts.
Image credit: mine, sunset colours over Welly.

#14 February 2020 | Monthly Digital Breadcrumbs

More curated things from around the wonderful World Wide Web (it’s the next big thing).


How Skype is ‘audio graded’ by workers in China with no security strategies in place.

A mysterious radio signal from space seems to have suddenly vanished – even the aliens are hanging up on us…

Why women should start giving short men a chance.

How the Met Police will begin using live facial recognition cameras in London.



Online repository of great images and videos from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory.

Listen to this ‘Creative Confidence Podcast’ about ‘Identifying Business Potential’.

Using sheet2site.com to make a website from a google spreadsheet (video).

All monthly digital breadcrumbs posts.
Image credit: Chinese Zodiac Year of the Rat from Casandra Banuelos via Mixkit (free illustrations to use / remix etc.).

#12 December 2019 | Monthly Digital Breadcrumbs

AI face

Stop a while, looks around, explore, digest, reflect, apply.


This Guardian piece on a rare piece of hope in the climate emergency.

About a Cryptoqueen scammed the world, then vanished.

How after 15 years the browser Firefox is leading the privacy-first renaissance.

Why it’s not too late to save the planet from someone who is doing more than their bit.


If this were our last conversation…

10 random questions answered through music…

The 1999 future as envisaged from 1967…


Beautiful News for uplifting stats on the world.

The “Unlocked Recordings” category on Internet Archive has over 750 digitized LPs available in full.

NASA’s image of the day.

The Derek Sivers podcast (for short inspirations).

All monthly digital breadcrumbs posts.
Image Credit from the this AI face generator..

#11 November 2019 | Monthly Digital Breadcrumbs

Pearls for your human form.


About Copenhagen’s race to be the first carbon-neutral city.

How technology flatten the rich texture of urban life.

A study of 2.7m startups found the perfect age to start a business is much older than you think.

The biggest lie tech people tell themselves — and the rest of us.


For your brain.

For your heart.

For your soul.


Feed Flipper – a free service which extracts the source #RSS URL from iTunes audio.

Listen to WETA Digital’s first ‘Unsupervised’ podcast.

This free font inspired by climate activist Greta Thunberg.

All monthly digital breadcrumbs posts.
Image Credit from the John J Audubon’s ‘Birds of America’ which are free to download..

#10 October 2019 | Monthly Digital Breadcrumbs

Move those hand-toes and journey around the internet superhighway.


Facebook confirms 419million phone numbers were exposed.

Greta Thunberg is right to panic.

The inaugural C2 magazine — big ideas for creative business leaders!


(Marvel) Avengers | Journey’s End – more goosebumps from @slyfer2812:

A fan made video from 400,000 images taken from the Rosetta probe:



Interactive weather platform.

A fun Virtual Typewriter for those who dig the digital / analogue cross-over.

Let AI and machine learning design your logo.

Free to download and use copyright free are 100,000 faces generated by AI

Eddie Butlers speech from todays Wales independence march in Merthyr:

All monthly digital breadcrumbs posts.

#9 September 2019 | Monthly Digital Breadcrumbs

Time to get clicking and fill your eyes / brain / heart.


Boris Johnson’s threat of a no-deal Brexit will not break EU unity, says the the Brexit coordinator for the European parliament.

Seven of the top carbon emitters are being sued for their failure to protect New Zealanders from climate change, in a new High Court proceeding.

Facebook launches ‘clear history’ tool – but it won’t delete anything.

Electric scooters aren’t as eco-friendly as they seem, study finds.


“For the first time in a thousand years, I have no path”:

Official 10 Hour Version of a track which is scientifically proven to chill you out:

The hope generator that is TEDxWellington (full 2019 event review here):


Outlier.org: the world’s best for-credit online courses (from the cofounder of masterclass.com).

This online collaborative effort to name every color in the RGB/web space.

2019 Montana HATCH Experience will take place in Paradise Valley, October 13-16th, at Mountain Sky Guest Ranch! Take a tour of their facility (gutted not to be there this year).

All monthly digital breadcrumbs posts.
Image credit: Photo by Alfonso Ninguno on Unsplash

#8 August 2019 | Monthly Digital Breadcrumbs

Chase down the content below and fill your face with good wholesome stuff.


This article from the Brexit coordinator for the European parliament about what the UK is getting wrong.

Love this exploration of how happiness doesn’t follow success: it’s the other way round.

If you use Zoom for your conference calling you might want to rethink as it has horrible bugs.

My take on how TEDx is a ‘Hope Generator‘.

If you have an Amazon Alexa in your home did you know the voice recordings are kept forever?


Brian Eno on his ‘Apollo: Atmospheres & Soundtracks’ project:

Another AMAZING video essay from Like Stories of Old:

How positive thinking is harming your happiness w/ Derren Brown:


Here’s a free in-browser image editor, supporting PSD, Sketch and XCF files.


All monthly digital breadcrumbs posts.
Image credit: Photo by Tapio Haaja on Unsplash