#21 September 2020 | Monthly Digital Breadcrumbs

Flag displayed at the departure dinner held for Captain Robert Falcon Scott and his officers in the Royal Hotel in Cardiff on 13 June 1910, two days before the expedition sailed for Antarctica. It was flown on the mainmast of the Terra Nova when the ship returned to Cardiff at the end of the expedition on 14 June 1913 (ref).

A jumble of superb digital content and links to spend your good time on.


How NZ’s law is nowhere near ready for Facial Recognition Technology.

A short ebook online from Cory Doctorow on ‘How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism‘.

If you ever used Siri on your iPhone or Mac this will scare you.



Borrow a private island in Sweden for one week to work on a creative project.

A list of open source video conferencing tools to use.

Orson Welles’ 1937 radio version of Les Miserables.

An online 3D Book Cover Creator which is very easy to use.

All monthly digital breadcrumbs posts.

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