Several things (which I tweeted) for your eyes and ears plus brain to spend time on.
This annotated critique of a cryptocurrency piece in the New York Times by fifteen researchers.
An overview of the current state of the NFT & Metaverse space (it’s on a serious wane).
A technical look at how Web3 is not centralised and the shortfalls of it all.
Another two articles about how countrywide adoption of cryptocurrencies in El Salvador & Kazakhstan has failed (not to mention the incredible amount of ewaste & carbon emissions created by the ventures).
A court ruled that Sussan Ley (environment minister for Australia) does not have duty of care to protect young from climate crisis.
Another stark piece covering ice shelf collapse in Antarctica related to climate change.
Inside Finland’s plan to end all waste by 2050 through education.
If you use LinkedIn you probably have noticed how bad the content is nowadays and how you never see stuff from those directly in your network—check out this illustration of me scrolling for over a minute and not seeing anything from those in my network, then this post where you can show your support for change.
A short audio piece from Radio 4 on Getting Better Acquainted with Words (featuring Ted Hughes, Virginia Woolf, Charles Bukowski).
Another amazing BBCRadio4 piece this time on “Welsh Identities.”
Use for free, Spoke, a way to create 3D social scenes for Hubs, where you can meet, share and collaborate together in private 3D virtual spaces.
A BUMPER a list of free software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own server(s).
There’s Quodb if you’re ever struggling to find a quote from that movie you like OR find out where a specific quote came from.
A list of pricing psychology techniques.