NZ just announced a $12 billion infrastructure package covering transport, schools, hospitals and roads (read more here)…
…although it’s mainly roads. My response:

It seems the idea of leading with kindness and compassion (from Jacinda Ardern) does not extend to the planet or into the future.
We are heading backwards not forwards into any kind of gentler approach to help the planet heal.
And I’m really struggling to find the token approach to adding a few bus lanes into the road investment strategy as the way forward as a nation (which builds its reputation on the 100% Pure brand).
I’m currently subcontracting on a piece of work around stakeholder engagement in the capital regarding some ideas to accelerate Wellington’s transformation into a low carbon city to reach their goal of becoming zero carbon by 2050, this has honestly taken the wind out of the sails.
This news also comes two days after the Prime Minister announces the next general election for September this year. Sighs!
Where’s the investment in radical and healthy earth plans which excites the nation and forges a new way forward for the world to follow…?