33 Words#2


Now it’s your turn: tell a story in 33 words in the comments or on your own site and link/trackback here.


Tony Hart RIP

I grew up being inspired by Tony Hart and Hart Beat…


How NOT To Market A New Product #1

Produce a goddamn awful ad running your latest offering on your fiercest competitors laptop… ooof!

*Extra points for getting through the whole ad without throwing up a little in your mouth.

If you’re a sucker for more punishment check out this old Microsoft ad as well (thanks Antonio).


Moleskine Pen Holder

moleskine pen holder

To add to the many hacks already out there, here’s my contribution relating to the age old question:

How do you carry your pen with your Moleskine?

My creative Mam has come up with the answer for me:

Feel free to share any questions, comments, praise in the comments section below.


Imagine Working Four Hours A Week


Currently blasting through this book and enjoying the challenges it’s leveling at me—for those who have never heard of it here’s my dilluted summary:

…the exploration and achievement of becoming part of the NEW RICH (NR) and creating a lifestyle of “mini-retirements”—working when most effective, productive and enjoyable.

Has anybody else read it and more importantly adopted the principles into their lives? NB : Really interested in those who love their job/work and how they have used it…


Wicked Game

Loving the rawness of this version keeping me company at the moment…


Paradox Punch

paradox punch

I’m a pacifist. Hate violence. Denounce war. Reject macho-egos. Then why do I enjoy strapping up my fists and punching the beejeebers out of a bag or a partners pads?


The Light Ages

light ages

The Dark Ages were defined by “a lack of contemporary written history, general demographic decline, limited building activity and material cultural achievements in general” (source).

Does that mean we know are living in the Light Ages?

Image source