Cloudy Homes

cloudy homes

I’d like to live here.

Seen on PSFK



Reminds me of my old life-mantra:

“Embrace the negative”

Via imgfave

Eternal Project Triangle Dilemma

project triangle

Design something quickly and to a high standard, but then it will not be cheap. Design something quickly and cheaply, but it will not be of high quality. Design something with high quality and cheaply, but it will take a long time.

Makes sense…

Wikipedia : Project Triangle

Carrots Rule

A brilliant use of commercialism, flashmobbing and green ethics to promote businesses to make green changes…


Being Profitable

Taking lessons (again) from this excellent talk this morning.

My takeaways: have a price, explore different price options, play the odds, understand the numbers, businesses are better than consumers, live the good life during building your business, forget viral, just do it better than the other guy/gal.

Feel free to leave your takeaways in the comments.


Walking Bare(foot)

barefoot stride

Been interested in these shoes for a while now. Been reading this and it makes a lot of sense—how shoes are counterintuitive to the many years of evolution.

What do you think?



20 slides, 15 seconds per slide.

A ‘personal’ presentation for Nocci (now defunct)—check out the other presentations. Due to the transitions used in the presentation I can’t really use something like Slideshare so you can check it out on the second video (with the audio from the first vid overlayed).
