Colliding Good Humans | An Intentional Place To Sit And Be

first 25 Creative Welly episodes image

Current thoughts on producing a unique, beautiful and independent video podcast.

In 1176 the then Prince of Wales, Rhys ap Gruffudd, invited a wide range of learned folks to Cardigan Castle to participate in the first ever Eisteddfod⁠—Eistedd means “sit” and Fod means “be”⁠—a cultural festival with the aim of sharing and learning from each others artistic expressions.

Creative Welly‘s model is simple: bring together two souls from different disciplines whom have never met, and then through a modern-day fireside situated discussion, we uncover the person plus lessons behind the projects / initiative / companies / organisations / approaches.

The dinstinct visual concept of the final video form is all about creating intimacy for the viewer, to offer through the peripheral, the sense of being connected deeply in to the discussions (check out the latest two episodes to see what I mean if you haven’t already seen):

For the participants themselves, nearly all comment on the wonderful sense of space it offers, simply having the time to explore ideas and experiences in unhurried conversation. This is how it’s filmed:

As for the financial model of such a creative endeavour: it’s independently produced which means we rely on the generosity of David Hamilton at Flashdog Studios who hosts us (for free) and the technical talents of Jono Tucker of Empire Films who produces the video offerings (for free). I work hard on curating the participants plus make it all go live to the world via creativewelly.com (for free) as well as pay for the video / domain hosting. There is no funder or advertising involved which ensures no agendas being pushed, so in essence we lose money although we gain so much in offering the world a totally original way to ‘sit’ and ‘be’ (as a viewer or participant).

After twenty-five episodes I can honestly say the whole experience has been vastly fulfilling. After finishing up nearly ten years of producing TEDxWellington (and its subsequent activities / events), this is now my pro-bono offering to the community in which I am part of.

Through the platform, relationships have been formed. Community has been created. Awareness has been sewn. Collaborations have begun.

The adventure continues in 2022!

And to the fifty superb humans: thank you for being part of this story by being open to participate in sharing yours…


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