In between festive things have a listen to this which I was recently involved with:
To wrap up season 2, I had the wonderful privilege to be invited by the wonderfully wonderful actor, movement specialist and director, Alexis Milligan, to participate in her Finding Creativity Podcast and to explore is creativity just a catch phrase?
Related stuff mentioned in the podcast:
- CNIC IdeaJam
- Invention vs Innovation vs Improvement | Raw Ideas For Scrutiny
- What Does It Mean? | The Role Of The Interpreter
- HATCH (blog post reviews)
- Curation As An Emerging Skillset | A 5 Step Guide
Was thinking on my feet lots in this podcast inspired by the superb provocations by Alexis and learning from her as I go. Let us know your thoughts on some of the concepts explored in this one via the comments as keen to learn more.