Time to pivot.
“I was surprised, as always, by how easy the act of leaving was, and how good it felt. The world was suddenly rich with possibility.”
Jack Kerouac, On The Road
18th October 2012 is my final day as social media manager with current employers CORE Education.
After 6/7 years serving the social media space the following metaphor has developed:
Imagine learning to play the piano. Putting in the years to hone your skills / knowledge which enables you to reach grade 6.
You’re then asked to share your insights with those who are at a lower grade, which you do willingly (it’s a wonderful feeling to assist and inspire others).
After a while of playing the same tunes, answering the same questions, giving the same answers, the urge returns to explore further levels and challenges.
This is not a criticism or a statement of arrogance, it’s a description which outlines where I am with social (media, or, just, the web).
The coming months will be the last devoted to delivering specific social media services and talks. Will always be happy to share my thoughts / experience / knowledge with others, it’s just that now my interest is in the next set of questions around:
- creativity
- innovation
- ideas
- excellence
- humanisation
- simplification
- effectiveness
- action
- wisdom
- exclusivity
- play
There is a hunger to converse and surround myself with folks who want to challenge, explore, build, create waves. Whose purpose is to delight, astonish, create poignancy. Who are not afraid to try new things, create the space / time needed to cultivate the imagination, mash traditional and new models together, and most importantly, push at the edge of what’s possible.
If anyone has a role they think I could kick ass in which includes the above then please do get in touch. Maybe you’re tired of the whole ‘social’ scene as well—your comments / thoughts / ideas / responses are welcomed below.
Would this be something? http://unicefinnovation.org/
Or this? http://kosovoinnovations.org/
Chris – thanks for the comment and links. Just watched the Kosovo Innovations video and saw someone I know (Dan McQuillan actually attended a MediaSnackers course a few years back). Enjoyed watching the young people and their ideas plus watching them develop them out. Great stuff. Who do I talk to about exploring bringing it over here to the Pacific Islands and maybe being involved in that process?
The UNICEF Innovations is also a wonderful project. Do you know the guys behind that?
Ping us a personal email on the questions above when you have time and thanks again :-)
Ha! I start a masters in music composition tomorrow! My days with social media work have diminished, with major governmental pushes to digital arts and literacy online, I find myself withdrawing.
Best of luck with the new start fella!
Wonderful news of the masters – can’t wait to start reading ‘music composed by’ on all hit films in the future ;-)
Checked out Escape The City?
Not sure how much NZ stuff there is on there…
Thanks for the link – will check it out – hope all’s well in Caerdydd… hope to catch up soon :-)