It’s been 3 years since I was last in the company of family and friends there—feels more like a decade.
I’ll be back in Wales from next month and the plan is to linger (with a few side adventures into Europe), reconnect with humans, the land, plus explore creative collaborations / opportunities.
“Dod yn ôl at fy nghoed / To return to my trees, to relax and unwind, to calm your mind.”
I already have a few bookings in place for my ‘Purposeful Storytelling’ public speaking masterclasses which is a bonus and open to more (these are half-day sessions for leaders and I have a ‘beginners’ plus ‘advanced’ offer, let me know if you need further info, I also do 1-2-1 speaker coaching also plus happy to speak / consult with groups on other aspects of ‘crafting delicious learning experiences’ and storytelling).
Like many of you I would imagine, the past couple of years has been about challenges and consolidation. Judging by the response I got from this LinkedIn post, the experience is not unique and it filled my spirit how many kindly reached out to share their experiences and / or left a lovely comment (even though it was a quick post and nothing I thought too deeply about as the intention was to celebrate the ‘lightness’ I was feeling). So this feels like a signifying expedition.
If you’re in what’s left of the ‘United Kingdom’, please check your diaries then let me know what your plans are from mid August onwards as would love to reconnect / spend time together (albeit socially distanced and probably outdoors). See you then / there!