#TeamKindness | Leading Leaders To Care

Feeling lucky to be a citizen of a country when the prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, says stuff like:

If I could distill it down into one concept that we are pursuing in New Zealand, it is simple and it is this: kindness.

In this time of hollow nationalism and fracturing distrust, a call for compassion, togetherness, thinking of the other truly is unusual and all the more important as we struggle forward in these dark times.

Sign me up for ‘team kindness’. Who else is with me?

Hat-tip Shepard Fairey plus large image for downloading / sharing on.



  1. ‘Better count me in, I suppose.’

    No, seriously… kindness is too often eschewed, in consequence of which we’re individually and collectively weakened.

    Silly really, because I doubt there’s a simpler/faster and more effective way to fix a lot of stuff that’s been broken for too damn long and will likely sadly (and ridiculously) stay busted.

    And, from a business viewpoint… when, instead of trying to pitch and sell, we instead focus on trying to help others – even at cost to ourselves – surprisingly good things can and do happen.

    So yeah, yaaaaaaaay for kindness (which had no genuine downside).

      1. Only another seven-billion*-or-so to go then, and we’ll be rolling.

        *I haven’t counted Americans… it’s difficult to assess how many there are because they keep shooting each other.

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