The Illiteracy Of Play | Pecha Kucha Night Christchurch

Another 20 slides x 20 seconds per slide.

Here’s my PechaKucha Night Christchurch presentation on the illiteracy of play—how we as adults have forgotten to cultivate and use the best learning instrument on the planet…

It draws on experiences from my youth work days right through to developing and delivering social media training for folks like BBC, UNICEF and The Gates Foundation.

Exploring ideas and case studies of how playing is the root of all education and also innovation.

This was a remix of my never-delivered TEDxOverlake talk.

Big thanks to the exact and fabulous PechaKucha Night Christchurch organisers for the opportunity to participate, the other fab speakers and the Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna O Waiwhetu for hosting/sponsoring (plus camerapeeps Tim and Elaena).

So do you think adults have lost the ability to play? Become illiterate to it’s power in our own learning and day-to-day work?

Let loose in the comments… you’re not that reserved on Twitter!

Steve Keil TED Talk
Button Theory
Playing Is Learning By Stealth
Stealth Image
LEGO Serious Play
Iceland / Facebook
Spare Change
Reinventing Money
Make Something Awesome
Dead Fish
Twitter Sketch
Grading Laughter
As always, I try to reference everything used but if anything is yours and it’s not suitably credited let us know and will certainly rectify.


    1. Appreciate you taking the time to check out the video and the lovely comment Kathi – thank you. Great to hear how you’ve rediscovered the virtues of play again as well :-)

  1. Every person has something inside him of a child, but not everyone wants to reveal it, and that’s a shame. It allows us to be creative in a free way, with no, useless, boundaries. I love print materials (business-cards, publications) that have an element of a game. I took part in urban planning workshop that was organized in a form of a game (Future City Game). Gamification works!
    Great presentation.

  2. One of my life’s frustrations…..Adults forgetting about play for their children. I had a conversation recently with a new mother who was quite sure spending $100’s on flash cards for her tiny infant was the genuine track for future higher intelligence. Marketing can be cruel!
    So point taken here, perhaps by starting with the grown ups we might get somewhere! Cheers!

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