Things The Internet Needs | Part 1: AdPants


First world problem solving.

Every time you skip a YouTube advert (after being forced to watch 5 seconds) or mute the new evil 15 second ones, a Tweet / Facebook update is sent out referencing the brand in question saying something like:

“Thanks @[nameofbrand] for hijacking my @YouTube time with your old school ad #adpants”

Advertising via interruption on the web is awful, lazy and tasteless. Old paradigm thinking in new world playgrounds. It doesn’t work.

Who wants to build a Chrome extension or some other programme / app which does the above? Can it be made? If so maybe we could crowfund it—who’s game?



  1. Ha! I like this idea. I have all ads blocked on my browser, but if this worked I might consider turning them on for a day just for the pleasure! Not sure my twitter followers would appreciate it though….not that I live on youtube…. ;-)

    1. The idea is to communicate to the brands how pants it really is – EVERYONE I’ve ever seen using Twitter has skipped, muted or minimised an ad on there – would be great if there was stats on those actions but I doubt that would ever be released… this is just a fun way to communicate some distaste :-)

  2. love the idea! another way to talk back at advertisers would be awesome, and a logical extension to modifying billboards?

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