All the things I tweeted this month curated for your delectation.
After posting the 20th episode, a reflection piece on ‘Connecting Humans In A Beautiful Way‘ regarding Creative Welly.
This journal paper which says what it does on the tin (in bigger words): Survival of the Friendliest: Homo sapiens Evolved via Selection for Prosociality.
How all of Britain was put on Denmark’s red list – apart from Wales (the first time an EU country has differentiated between the UK’s four nations when specifying entry requirements).
A zero-carbon approach to heating homes by flooding old coal mines.
Template Maker is a bunch of free custom sized templates for paper craft & packaging for all creative occasions.
A place to find and copy special characters (for pasting) to your clipboard.
Sheety, which turns Google spreadsheets into powerful APIs to rapidly develop prototypes, websites, apps & more.
This open-source software license that developers can use to prohibit the use of their code by applications or companies that threaten to accelerate climate change through fossil fuel extraction.
RocketChat is an open-source Slack alternative.
A delicious free font called Inter.
Extract vocal and instrumental tracks from any audio using AI.
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