Every year the ‘noise’ which accompanies the closing of another 365 days and the embracing of a new set populates the blogosphere.
Folks review, take stock, gaze back, reach forward, look inwards, hope outwards… we surround ourselves in pledges as aggrandizement.
2012 will be a year I continue to:
- drop ideabombs
- ensure the mind doesn’t follow the walls in my new role (which I continue to work myself out of)
- prioritise my why
The new focus will be to:
- go forth
- reposition and relaunch mediasnackers.com
- forget the rules
- make things as a learning strategy
- craft video vignettes
- reach beyond my grasp
- live simply, and live fully…
…but most importantly: DO MORE!
“You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.”
Henry Ford