Currency Of Likes | The Social Shopping Experience

Connecting social to the real world retail space.

*If you don’t speak Portugese make sure the closed captioning is on.

Brazlian-based CEA posts images of their clothes on its Facebook site. When fans ‘like’ the items, the total number is displayed on the hangers.

It can either work to validate the choice or run counter to promote the decision to choose a lesser ‘liked’ item.

Whatever, the execution is wonderfully delicious and has potential in other spaces:

  • used in the school cafeteria to decide on which dishes to offer
  • employed during a conference as an ad hoc voting system on speakers
  • operated by branding agencies to shortlist logo designs

Where else could you see it being used?

Originally seen on Adverblog


  1. Haha, it could be used in the relentless pursuit of average!

    Seriously though, really interesting idea and a useful one at that.

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