TEDxTeAro Review | Reflecting

dk at tedxtearo

100 enthused attendees, 8 wonderful speakers, 6 skilled partners, 3 lovely sponsors, 1 very happy licensee holder.

On Saturday, TEDxTeAro made me smile with my heart.

Ideas from the stage included:

sarah wilson

“fear is something we don’t usually run towards” / “adventure is any undertaking where the outcome is unclear” / “we breathe in and inspire” | Sarah Wilson

evan thomas

“everything always has a [maker] story behind it” / “[digital] fabrication is a grass roots technology” | Evan Thomas

emma saunders

“success doesn’t lead to happiness, happiness leads to success” / “19% chance of a faster diagnosis if your doctor is happy” / “[cultivate happiness through] compassion, conscious acts of kindness, gratitude” | Emma Saunders

anja geelen

“we’re genetically wired to be in nature” / “we are biologically designed for play” / “children download [real life] experiences into their brains” | Anja Geelen

anna guenther

“even though it’s a young industry there are already 300 crowd funding platforms out there” / “it’s a disruptive innovation” / “collaboration is the new black” | Anna Guenther

dan khan

“the innovation ecosystem needs to be led by entrepreneurs with 20 years of history” / “innovation is bred at the boundary of constraint” | Dan Khan

ben forman

“our teaching has yet to catch up with our environment” / “comfort is boring” / “go nuts, do stuff and have fun” | Ben Forman

alex hannant

“we can’t negotiate with a planet which doesn’t speak english and which is much bigger than us” / “create unreasonable ideas” / “social enterprises focus on a geniune need (rather than creating one to sell)” | Alex Hannant

My focus now:

  • how do we improve?
  • how do we ensure momentum is not lost?
  • how do we scale and match the personal nature of this event?

A HUGE thank you to everyone involved, the speakers, sponsors, partners, attendees, TED and its community etc etc etc

What were your highlights?

Onwards to TEDxTeAro 2013.

Related posts: Today I Will Be Busy | TEDxTeAro Goes Live, TEDxTeAro | Dates And Location Announced and Announcing TEDxTeAro | Steering A Very Important Ship


  1. It was fantastic, wasn’t it? And even days later, with work and study barging in all over the place, I still feel like it’s percolating in the back of my mind.

    I had gone in keenly interested in Emma and Anja’s talks, because I understood them & believed in them. But what I found most inspiring and welcome was that I came away from the day humming with unexpected new knowledge/learning/interest – Dan talking about how we’re losing our start up experience overseas & the need for these communities of wizened practitioners, Evan talking about how to make things digitally, Anna explaining crowdfunding and showing me that I can help ppl at a grassroots level to achieve dreams – and Alex! The same but larger scale, lifting people out of real poverty. It was all magnificent, and I’m so grateful for these insights into other people’s passions and visions.

    And it was nice to come across a bunch of other TED ‘junkies’ too!

    Ugh, I think my comment is as long as your article! Haha :-D
    Stacey (@runningwhio)

    1. Feel exactly the same way with the percolation of thought… brewing nicely into something pertinent :-)

      Really appreciate your thoughts here and hopefully you would’ve received an email from us asking for more feedback – if you can echo the sentiment there it will aid our next application I’m sure. Appreciate your support, truly!

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