2024 Annual Review | Reviving To Valuing

Varied lessons in principled living.

2024 broke my heart…

…broke my spirit…

…broke me open…

…what a gift!


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It was a year of living my personal and professional standards.

This meant orienting away from people and a path which had already eroded much of my time, had taken me away from cherished communities, emptied my energy / bank account / sense of belonging and left me adrift.

These decisions were massively challenging although were right to make, and made easier by those who ask for mundane, those who say things then do the opposite, those who prefer to stay small and who have yet to develop the courage to take responsibility for situations they have created!

It truly was not a good year for others bringing positiveness to my life, however, it was one in which I discovered my own worth… then I added tax!


My TEDx talk is on ted.com—BOOM⁠—what a smile-inducing-discovery and had me adding ‘as featured on ted.com’ to all references on my site!

The talk is flirting with the one-million-views mark so currently working out what to do to recognise this. Sign up in the sidebar to get that notification as will announce it on my blog.

The accompanying Speaking With Purpose book continues to sell in its tens… many purchasers have gotten in touch afterwards saying nice things and / or asking follow-up questions.

I’m currently story-boarding a ten-part videos series on my three pillar approach and it being applied in different ways, so again stay tuned to that in the first half of the new year via this blog.


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Was quadruply-thrilled to be invited to participate / featured in the following podcasts:

The Subtle Art of Public Speaking | Stage, Page & Screen Podcast
Digby Scott, Dig Deeper Podcast | Translation, Narration, Curation and Host Leadership
Is Creativity Just A Catchphrase? | Finding Creativity Podcast
Deconstructing My TEDx Talk | A Critique Via The GhostRanch Podcast


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Posts this year:

  1. 500,000 TEDxNelson Talk Views | Celebrating With A Giveaway
  2. #60 January 2024 | Monthly Digital Breadcrumbs
  3. For Those Who Want To Tell Better Stories #12 | Video Store Chat, Blind Drawing Tutorial & Web Story
  4. The Passing Of A Friend | RIP John Weekes
  5. #61 February 2024 | Monthly Digital Breadcrumbs
  6. Need To Yawn | Watch This
  7. #62 March 2024 | Monthly Digital Breadcrumbs
  8. The Subtle Art of Public Speaking | Stage, Page & Screen Podcast
  9. Open Call To Play | Back On The Creative Market
  10. #63 April 2024 | Monthly Digital Breadcrumbs
  11. #64 May 2024 | Monthly Digital Breadcrumbs
  12. For Those Who Want To Tell Better Stories #13 | Thumping & Plucking The Bass, Informational For Buying A Car, and Drumming Blind
  13. #65 June 2024 | Monthly Digital Breadcrumbs
  14. MUNDANE | Made Up of Nothing, Devoid of Anything New or Exciting
  15. #66 July 2024 | Monthly Digital Breadcrumbs
  16. PEO Course Review | Figuring Out Next Moves
  17. 2024 North America Tour & Return To Aotearoa / New Zealand | Fancy A Dance?
  18. 750,000 Views | Celebrating As We Go
  19. Three Rules | What Love, Trust & Sorry Needs
  20. NEW SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT | Purposeful Storytelling Impact Course
  21. #67 August 2024 | Monthly Digital Breadcrumbs
  22. Dear Madam | Beyond The Savage Creative Storm
  23. Mundane Series Launch | Positive Products To Amplify Imaginative Minds / Hearts / Souls – PURCHASE NOW!
  24. 30 Years Online… So Far | 1994-2024
  25. Rilke’s Briefcase, Writing Implements & Inkpot | A Past Auction Find
  26. #68 September 2024 | Monthly Digital Breadcrumbs
  27. Digby Scott, Dig Deeper Podcast | Translation, Narration, Curation and Host Leadership
  28. Remember(ing) Me | Lone Strolling In Art Galleries Again
  29. HATCH 20 | Impact Summit 2024
  30. #69 October 2024 | Monthly Digital Breadcrumbs
  31. Standing Out In The Global Media Industry | Connecting Two Small But Perfectly Formed Nations
  32. Deconstructing My TEDx Talk | A Critique Via The GhostRanch Podcast
  33. The Sacred Vastness Of Being | Forrest Landry At HATCH 20
  34. #70 November 2024 | Monthly Digital Breadcrumbs
  35. Is Creativity Just A Catchphrase? | Finding Creativity Podcast
  36. #71 December 2024 | Monthly Digital Breadcrumbs

To ensure you don’t miss a thing subscribe and can get an email every time I post a blog:



…back to Cymru Wales for two extended periods.

…back to the hunger building to be creative (with others).

…back in England for a quarter-of-the-year-side-quest.

…back to North America for some dancing plus HATCH.

…back in Aotearoa New Zealand rediscovering whanau.

…back to freelancing and meeting folks to explore collabs.

…back for new future possibilities with blank pieces of paper (see 2025 below)!


Decided not to develop this out further after asking and gaining feedback from the community.

After chalking up a healthy five-figure return which sustained me through the lean-years of post-Covid-times, will now be folding the lessons and insights into the following:


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Launched publicly after a successful pilot with a multi-national (who promptly ordered a second cohort plus now in talks for future ones in 2025), the Purposeful Storytelling Impact Course is a tailored leadership learning experience, aimed at greatly improving storytelling techniques and oratory skills, as well as enhancing the capability to deliver exceptional showcase presentations across diverse fields.

Here are some quotes from those who have participated:

If you care about having your leaders internally gain crucial oratory / communication skills then this is something to check out and then get in touch to explore booking.


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Always a joy to sit and collaborate with others on their voice and story, plus how they will share that with the world.

As I continue to hone my speaker coaching skills I’m finding a lot more fluidity in approaches I’m taking, informed by the accrued years of practice, an intuition stemming from the thousands of individuals I can now say I’ve interacted with. And even so, I continue to learn constantly and constantly reevaluate the limits of my own understanding in this discipline.

Along with the 1-2-1’s (which now includes an Olympian in my alumni of clients), I continue to offer speaker coaching through my established half/full day ‘purposeful storytelling’ masterclass sessions (foundation and advanced options available), again, get in touch for more info.


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Apart from some pro-bono and friend-consulting in this space have done very little this year. Although triple-keen to explore briefs from those looking to gather humans in one room for ‘delicious learning experiences’⁠—check out my pedigree and lets talk.


Have an outline of a historical fiction story and another sci-fi trilogy I’d like to work on in the first half of 2025. Have decided against the other book idea at the moment (detailed in last years update and which aligns to a launch of a new business venture which I’m still researching and curating ideas around).


Reddit source.

Since I stopped tweetmailing the platform continues to descend further into the pile of fiery turds described.

I did sign up for Mastodon and Bluesky although not interested in diverting my time from other things to cultivate a following on there or diluting my curative / creative efforts.

Tumblr has become my go-back-to curation platform and have enjoyed the interesting things it thinks I should be interested in, but again, spend no time on there shaping the feeds and not using it beyond feeding my monthly digital breadcrumbs posts.

As where I get my information and stimulation from, am going back to the more ‘traditional’ blogs and online communities like Reddit plus personal newsletters (especially ones with RSS feeds I can pull into my reader).

For that reason LinkedIn holds less and less interest as it continue to go the way of all algorithmic platforms (I’d honestly pay the premium option if it trusted us to be adults and I could just get the updates of those in my network).

So for now the focus will be blogging and creating here (again, sign-up in the sidebar please).


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I’m hungry to find the edges of things, to build, rebuild, to collaborate, to Shake The Dust, plus orient towards those who are principle-led and celebrate / nurture creative actioneers.

For this reason I’m taking the opportunity to return to Aotearoa New Zealand (for at least six months) and in terms of future travels, unless something radical and wonderful occurs, will be staying put for a while as really need to ‘land’ somewhere to counter the adrift-ness being felt deeply.

So what about you? Where do you find yourself at the beginning of the new calendar year? How can I serve / add value in your adventures in 2025? And if nothing else, please feel me sending you light:

Previous years reviews: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2013, 2011, 2010, 2009

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