My Stand-Up Desk

stand up desk

Inspired by other standup desks seen on the interwebs. Simply took my unused computer table and shoved an old IKEA self-assembled-free-standing-storage-type-shelves underneath. Low and behold a perfect height.

Looking forward to the next few days trying it out.

Loving this as well:


2011 Reflections


Instead of listing things to focus on like previous years (I’ve already done this over on the to-dopage anyway), time to embrace the reason we’re here :

“Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness.”
James Thurber

It doesn’t matter that it’s a new year or that we’ve achieved / failed things in the past one, what is of importance is:

This moment.
So, be happy.

Related posts : 2010 & 2009

Zen And The Art Of Punching


Punching is an art.

A physical expression of control and movement. An inward exploration of channeled aggression.

Here’s the three biggest things I’ve learned from strapping my hands in the past couple of years:

  • reduce the form, increase the function : once you have the basic biomechanics of a punch down the aim is to concentrate the movement to its barest elements whilst intensifying the impact;
  • learn, unlearn, relearn : it’s essential to adopt the constant ‘amateur state of mind’, relearning everything you know again and again as you deconstruct your actions and hone new patterns of motion;
  • cultivate balance : a left jab starts with a solid right heel, a right cross begins with the pivoting left foot, sounds counter-intuitive, but all part of the karmic order of punching.

If you’re a puncher what have you learned?

Image credit and related post: Paradox Punch

iPad Keynote Remote : A Proposal : Part 1

ipad keynote app

So here’s the pitch:

“I will put up £500 of my own money (and invite others to donate also) in an attempt to find someone to develop a bluetooth app/clicker/remote for specific use with the iPad and Keynote app.”

I’m after two things:

  • *iPhone / iPad whizz-kid / developers who fancy a challenge, PLUS
  • other speakers who also have this issue and want to pool some money together to make this a more attractive proposition to be made

*By the way, it doesn’t have to be an iPhone app, just something that works as a clicker with iPad / Keynote over bluetooth AND the solution needs to be done without jailbreaking any device. Why? Well, much of my living is made through speaking at conferences and other events. My weapons of choice :

  • MacBook Pro / Keynote—to make my presentations (and me) look slick
  • Motorola SLVR / Salling Clicker—used in combination to provide a bluetooth clicker and connection because:
    • the infra-red clicker you get with the Mac has insufficient range for someone like me who wanders the stage when talking (as I don’t do lecterns or scripts) plus anyone in the audience could use theirs to forward my slides
    • sometimes the audio / video setup is at the side or back of the stage / venue and therefore the bluetooth connection between the Mac and SLVR gives a range / stability the infra-red could never offer

During my recent stateside trip I bought an iPad (it is glorious btw) but it has one HUGE flaw, its lack of capacity for using any type of remote for the Keynote app (and it’s not just me asking for this pretty obvious piece of functionality). If the missing piece could be found then speakers all over the world could rock up with this fantastic piece of kit and plug and play.

I’ve already laid out the case for the use of bluetooth and not just the existing wifi connection (especially as some venues I speak at don’t have wifi) and I know bluetooth pairing can be achieved between iPhone and iPad as the 2Screens iPhone app plus the 2Screens iPad app demonstrates this.Plus Apple also allows bluetooth pairing with it’s wireless keyboard—maybe some clever peeps could ‘hitch a ride’ using this same ‘profile’?

There’s also a call (in other discussions online) for the iPad screen to support speakers notes, this is neither a priority or concern of mine as don’t use a script, therefore, not something which is needed under this brief.

If you’re interested in either tackling this problem or pledging some money towards finding a solution then leave a comment.


Batman vs Superman

Superman and BatMan Team up at C2E2 2012

My butty thinks Batman is better than Superman—I think they’re wrong…

Even though Batman is well cool, got the better gadgets (because he hasn’t got any real powers), the funkier costume, the more charismatic villians to defeat… however, after all said and done he’s just a man in a bat costume.

Maybe that makes him all the more incredible although I’m not convinced.

Superman by his very nature is super. Has an array of special powers, is the man of steel, from another planet (literally) and can fly (not just glide).

I know, I should get out more—what do you think?


thetrainline.com Sucks

thetrainline.com Sucks

This is the second time this has happened.

It won’t happen again.

Will use another service.

UPDATE : Some social media responses from Facebook and Twitter:

thetrainline.com Sucks


Update#1: Talk Talk / Tiscali / Roxburghe Debt Collection

Talk Talk / Tiscali / Roxburghe Debt Collection

At the beginning of February I received a threatening letter and responded the next day with this (get yours here). Nearly 6 weeks on and no response. I contacted Consumer Direct and they have lodged a complaint with the Office of Fair Trading on my behalf—please do the same.

With this fresh approach we can then create a better result (*).

Related posts : Update#2: Talk Talk / Tiscali / Roxburghe Debt Collection and Talk Talk / Tiscali / Roxburghe Debt Collection

Talk Talk / Tiscali / Roxburghe Debt Collection

Talk Talk / Tiscali / Roxburghe Debt Collection

Received this letter tonight. It was forwarded onto me from an address I haven’t lived in for over four years.

It’s a little scary to receive stuff like this as nobody wants their credit rating messed with. I’m still trying to work out a course of action (apart from phoning Talk Talk—previously Tiscali—in the morning) and hopefully doing this will be a good start.

It seems I’m not the only one receiving threats of this kind as you can read here, here and here.

Related posts : Update#1: Talk Talk / Tiscali / Roxburghe Debt Collection and Update#2: Talk Talk / Tiscali / Roxburghe Debt Collection


Business Modeling

Business Modeling

When I first started little endeavour I was told it would fail without a business plan. Nearly four years I still haven’t got one and it’s done quite well (quite well=grown in profit/clients every year). You could argue it would’ve grown quicker or bigger if a business plan was in place—you’d be wrong!

You see business plans are just guesses at best and for us, staying fluid with just a core principle of “everything we do must kick ass” (another words never do a bad gig) has been enough to cement our pedigree and ensure success. That being said, it’s now time to get a little bit more serious about future direction and growth. Not one for a traditional approach I devoured the book opposite which is for those ready to abandon outmoded thinking and embrace new, innovative models of value creation.

Business Model Generation has helped me craft a ‘plan’ without writing loads and loads of stuff but instead mapping and drawing it all out—thank you guys.


Oat So Good

oat so good

Earlier this year I got diagnosed with IBS after undertaking a series of horrible tests.

Straight away the docs wanted to medicate me although I declined as wanted to tackle the cause not the symptons of the problem. I asked for holistic therapy solutions and was told there are none. So I hit the books and with some advice from other people embarked on a no-wheat, no-dairy, no sugar. This sorted it all out.

One of the hardest things has been cutting out chocolate, bread and surprisingly replacing my Coco Pops, Frosties and Weetos morning habit. After trying porridge, fruit and other alternatives I found Oat-so-good—delicious, local (made in Wales) and has none of the evil stuff my stomach can’t handle.

Thanks guys.
